"The uplifting story of a disabled man who overcomes all obstacles to become the top ranked agent in his division. He goes on to fight some of the biggest cyber bullying cases and spread love and positivity as he goes."
Featured in the First Friday series in the Library Express Bookstore in Scranton, Pennsylvania and covered on the local News station WNEP. With recognition from the Spina Bifida Association.
Author Billy Kraser, a disabled man himself, brings to light important issues with his words that can inspire all who read them. Illustrated by JTP and Lizzie Williams, the agent's story is brought to life in this children's book available now at Barnes and Noble and Amazon. To purchase, click the book icon listed under the "Contact" page which directs to the publishers.
It was an honor getting to work with my longtime friend to create this character and see how this story has been received so far by people from all backgrounds. The positive impact we have been able to have especially on the awareness of taboo subjects like disability and bullying is very rewarding. This story puts things into perspective and is a message people from of all ages can benefit from so I hope you check it out.
To stay up to date on the author's work and any future collaborations, be sure to follow Billy on his various social media pages linked below. A sequel, "Special Agent Will Chair: Non-Stop Adventure" was released in January 2022.